Welcome to Monona County Treasurers Office |
610 IOWA AVE P.O. BOX 415 ONAWA, IOWA 51040 |
Abby RiesbergMonona County Treasurer treasurer@mononacountyiowa.gov
POPULATION - 8,480RANKING - 84thThe Monona County Courthouse has a dropbox located at the Main (South) entrance of the building.The Monona County Courthouse has a handicapped entrance on the East side of the building.
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NEW LAW, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023If you are NOT a Monona County resident, or taxpayer: -A $10 convenience Fee will be added for issuance of a Driver's Licnese or Identification Card. - Fee is waived if you pay property taxes to Monona County, proof of payment required. |
MOTOR VEHCILEBeginning January 1, 2022 a Bill of Sale will be required on all title transfers (including trailers), § 701-34.2(3). A bill of sale should include:
Bill of Sale form, click: HERE For more information on How to sell your vehicle in Iowa, click: HERE
To order personalized plates, click: HERE Responsibilities/duties of the Motor Vehicle Department include, but are not limited to:
PROPERTY TAXESProperty Tax Payments: Property taxes may be paid in two installments. The first half is due September 1 and becomes delinquent October 1; the second half is due March 1 and becomes delinquent April 1. Notice of Delinquent Taxes: The law requires that a notice be sent to property owners who have outstanding taxes as of February 1. The notification explains that under Iowa law, it is important for property owners to pay taxes and special assessments when they are due in order to avoid the tax sale. Iowa law also requires that a notice of the annual tax sale shall be mailed not later than May 1 to the person in whose name the parcel subject to sale is taxed. In compliance with this law, a Delinquent Tax Statement and Tax Sale Notice is mailed in April to provide proper notice of the pending tax sale. Tax Sale: The Annual Tax Sale is held on-line the third Monday in June at 9:00 a.m.at the Monona County Treasurers Office. Any delinquency must be offered for sale at the Regular or Public Bidder Tax Sale. |
TAX SALE The 2024 Monona County Tax Sale will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 16, 2025. The tax sale will be held online and bidders need not be present at the courthouse. Please remember that all bids must be placed online. Live inperson bids will not be accepted. You may access the tax sale website at www.GovEase.com. Registration doesn't begin until Monday, May 20, 2024 at 12:01 a.m. and will end at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Please see the 2024 Notice to Tax Sale Purchasers for the Terms and Conditions Governing the Annual Tax Sale by clicking the link below for additional information and required registration information. 06-14-2024 Publication List 89 Parcels, $46,710-07 2024 TERMS AND CONDITIONS - MONONA COUNTY TREASURER Tax Sale Investor Education - GovEase Assistance with Registration - Once the registration period opens, you may contact the auction site support team by calling (769) 208-5050 or email support@govease.com if you have questions or need assistance with the registration process. An adjourned tax sale will be held any business day following the annual tax sale in which there are bidders present and there are parcels still available for sale. To access Assessor's site or Monona County Website information, click on the following links: MONONA COUNTY ASSESSOR WEBSITE
Scheduled and Recurring Property Tax Payments: We are pleased to offer one-time scheduled tax payments and recurring monthly property tax payments through this website. Payments can be scheduled using either a credit card or e-check. * To search for parcel numbers by name, enter the last name first followed by a comma, and then part of the first name. For example, to search for all parcels owned by John Smith, enter Smith,John |
HOLIDAYS OBSERVED: New Years Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Day |