Welcome to Vehicle Registration Renewal. Before you begin..
If you are a resident of any of the following counties, please click the appropriate hyperlink to be taken to that county's home page: Buchanan, Dickinson, Floyd, Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Montgomery, Polk, Poweshiek.For all other counties, please read the following important information.
Before the penalty and enforcement date printed on your renewal notice, you are required to affix the new registration sticker (tag) to your vehicle license plate and have the registration renewal receipt in your vehicle. Please allow time for processing and mailing to meet this requirement. Your new registration will be processed and mailed within 24 business hours of the authorization of your online payment.
The accepted payment methods are Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa Card and Electronic Check. An Electronic Check is a method of debiting the funds electronically from your checking account, just as if you would write a check. Electronic Check payments returned indicating insufficient funds in the account may result in the maximum charge allowed by law by your county treasurer. Refer to your county treasurer's home page for specific information.
This service will deliver your vehicle renewal payment to the County Treasurer on your behalf. There is a non-refundable Service Delivery Fee to provide this service in addition to your vehicle registration amount. Your County Treasurer receives only the vehicle registration amount.
The Service Delivery Fee is a convenience fee that is displayed for each transaction, in advance of processing, with the opportunity for you to escape without completing the transaction if you choose to do so. The exact amount due for your vehicle registration and service delivery fee is calculated when you reach step 4 of this online service.
Step 1. Find your tags
- Enter a plate number and either the PIN from your renewal notice OR audit number from your registration renewal receipt and click Search
- If you wish to include Vehicles from another renewal notice you may add them in step 2.