Current News 


FY2026 Proposed Property Tax Levy Hearing Notice:



 2025 Elderly/Disabled property tax credit forms are now available:

Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim, 54001


A Bill of Sale is REQUIRED to transfer ownership of ALL vehicles and trailers.
The Bill of Sale needs to include:
- Purchase Date
- Purchase Price
- Year, Make and VIN of vehicle/trailer
- Seller(s) signature(s)*
- Buyer(s) signature(s)*
*Signatures do NOT need to be notarized.
This change is being made to comply with Chapter 34 of the Iowa Administrative Code. The code can be found using this link:
Please call our office with any questions.

The Jefferson County Treasurers office is open to in-person transactions from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. 

Drivers License

  • Drivers License customers who have scheduled an appointment will be prioritized. Walk-ins will be done as time allows. Appointments are STRONGLY SUGGESTED and can be made online ( or by calling the office.
  • ALL Customers need to stop in the MV/Tax room to check in. You will be allowed into/out of the DL room by the staff member on duty (like a doctors office). Customers should not arrive more than five minutes before appointment and will be asked to wait in the lobby. If a customer is more than five minutes late, that appointment will be cancelled.
  • We encourage everyone to use for anything that can be done remotely.

Motor Vehicle/Property Tax

  • MV/Tax transactions will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Overflow customers will be asked to wait in the lobby.
  • Our drop box will still be available for those who do not wish to come into the courthouse. The box will be checked throughout the work day.
  • Property tax/motor vehicle payments can be paid though the mail (PO Box 308), over the phone (641-472-2340/2349) or online using the links below. There is also a drop box located by the north doors that will be checked throughout each work day. 

For any questions, please call either number listed above or email




We are excited to offer the Skip the Trip driver knowledge testing program at FMS, FHS, Cardinal and Pekin! Passing the knowledge test is the first requirement needed for an individual to advance through the Graduated Drivers Licensing process.
The operator’s knowledge test has historically only been available at Driver’s License Service Centers or at County Driver’s License stations, but now is available at your school through an online portal. Skip the Trip provides an opportunity to work with you so that less time is spent away from school, work, and other activities by accessing the testing requirement in a more convenient location.
Students will be given a packet that includes:
- Iowa Drivers Manual
- Parents Supervised Driving Program Manual
- Quick Reference Guides for Instruction Permits, Minor School and Intermediate licenses
- Letter to students and parents from the Treasurer's office
- Ink pen and bracelet provided by the Iowa Donor Network.


Click below to view and/or pay your property taxes or vehicle registration online!  


Pay Property Taxes Pay Your Vehicle tags



Accepted On-Line Payment Methods-eCheck, Discover, MasterCard and Visa are accepted for Internet transactions.
You can now access the Assessor Property Information on each parcel from Step 3 of the property tax application.


 If you would like to mail your payment, please make checks out to the Jefferson County Treasurer and send them to:

Jefferson County Treasurer
PO Box 308
Fairfield, IA 52556                             ________________________________________________________________ 


All Iowans with current licenses or ID's, click here for information on obtaining a REAL ID before May 7th, 2025!

What is a REAL ID?

Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission's recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses.” The Act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for official purposes licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards. States have made considerable progress in meeting this key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and every state has a more secure driver's license today than before the passage of the Act.


Are you new to the State?  Do you have a current Iowa Driver's License or ID card, but would like to get one marked REAL ID compliant?
Find out what documents you need for any of the above here!


Jefferson County Treasurer Office Information


Contact Information


  • Property Tax/Motor Vehicle: 8:00 - 4:30 Monday - Friday (no transactions after 4:00)
  • Driver License: 8:00-4:00 Monday-Friday (Appointments strongly suggested)
  • Driver License Written Testing: BY APPOINTMENT
  • Driver Skills Testing ("Behind the Wheel"): BY APPOINTMENT
  • Motorcycle Skills Testing -  not conducting at this time

**ATTENTION CDL HOLDERS** - Federal regulations require proof of citizenship or lawful presence to renew or upgrade your CDL. Please call our office at 641-472-2349 to determine the documents you will need to bring with you.


Holiday Closings for 2025

New Year's Day - January 1st
Presidents Day - February 17th
Memorial Day - May 25th
Independence Day - July 4th
Labor Day - September 1st
Veterans Day - November 11th
Thanksgiving - November 27th-28th
Christmas - December 25th

Our Location:

Court & Briggs (one block north of the Fairfield Square)
Fairfield, Iowa 52556

Mailing Address:
PO Box 308
Fairfield, Iowa 52556

Symbol of Wheelchair Accessibility for Restaurant Tables – ADA Sign Depot access is located on the south side of the building with parking on the east side.





head shot (002)

Mark Myers

Took Office: November 2018



15,663 - 48th



Jefferson County Courthouse-Fairfield Heritage Tour