Welcome To Harrison County, Iowa.

Enjoy the below online payment options for your convenience!

News From Your Treasurer:

The Harrison County Treasurer's Office may be closed tomorrow, March 19th due to the weather. Please call before you make the trip out. Our phone number is 712-644-2750. Thank you!
The second half Real Estate and Mobile Home property taxes are due by March 31, 2025. You can pay online at www.iowatreasurers.org , by mail (must be postmarked by March 31st to avoid penalty), or in the office during normal office hours 7 am - 4:30 pm. We also have a secure drop box at the West building entrance that is available always.
NOTE: If you are registered to pay taxes online with www.iowatreasurers.org you may receive an email with a reminder that taxes are due. This reminder is sent out regardless if you have paid the second installment or not, it is an automatic email sent out to registered users.



Click the below link to view the information.

Harrison County Fees for Any County Titling



*EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 26, 2023: The Harrison County Treasurer's Office will be closed for lunch EVERYDAY from 12:30 PM-1:30 PM.*

Driver's License Convenience Fee - Beginning August 1st, customers who do NOT reside in Harrison County will be assessed a $10.00 convenience fee for driver's license services unless they pay property taxes in Harrison County and provide proof of payment. Collection of the convenience fee is pursuant to Iowa Code 321M.9. This fee will need to be paid in cash or check. 

Appointments are REQUIRED for all Driver's License services. Appointments are NOT required for motor vehicle or property tax services. To schedule an appointment for Driver's License services please call 712-644-2371. If you are needing to renew a vehicle or pay property taxes you can mail your payment, use the link above to pay online, or place your payment in our drop box. 

The 2023 Property Taxes Have Been Certified - The taxes are payable September 2024 and March 2025; are for the time period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024; and are based on valuation as of January 1, 2023.

General Information:

Discover, Mastercard, Visa and e-Check are accepted for Internet Transactions. When paying property taxes by parcel number please enter the 10 digit parcel number which appears in the bottom right corner of either payment stub. A $30.00 returned check fee will be assessed on any payments returned due to insufficient funds.

Payment Methods Accepted in Office:

  • Cash 
  • Credit Cards (2.25% fee)
  • Debit Cards ($2.00 fee)
  • Check, Money Order, or Cashier's Check 


Scheduled and Recurring Property Tax Payments:

We are pleased to offer one-time scheduled tax payments and recurring monthly property tax payments through this website.  Payments can be scheduled using either a credit card or e-check.  For additional information, click here, or call (712) 644-2750. 

A Bill of Sale is REQUIRED for Transferring ALL Vehicle Titles Beginning January 1, 2020

Effective January 1, 2020, the Harrison County Treasurer’s Office started requiring customers to provide a bill of sale when transferring titles for all motor vehicles, campers and trailers between private parties.  A bill of sale or purchase agreement was already required for vehicles purchased from a dealership. The Bill of Sale must include the seller’s name, make of the vehicle, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), buyer’s name, date of sale, purchase price and signature of seller and buyer. Click here for a sample bill of sale form. 

All Iowans with current Driver's Licenses or ID's, click here for information on obtaining a REAL ID before May 3, 2025

What is a REAL ID?

Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission's recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses.” The Act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for official purposes licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards. States have made considerable progress in meeting this key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and every state has a more secure driver's license today than before the passage of the Act.


PROOF OF IDENTITY (One of the following)

  • Official birth certificate (Not the one with baby footprints)
  • Valid U.S. passport
  • Most recent U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services immigration or refugee document


  • Social security card
  • W-2 or 1099 (Must show entire ssn)

PROOFS OF RESIDENCY (Two items showing your name and address where you live, no P.O. Boxes)

  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Pay stub
  • Piece of postmarked mail
  • Registration Receipt 

PROOF OF ANY LEGAL NAME CHANGES (Any of the following if your current name on your Driver's License differs from the name on your Social Security Card)

  • Marriage certificate if your last name changed
  • Divorce decree indicating a name change
  • Court order under petition for name change


DRIVER'S LICENSE: Same documents as obtaining a Real ID Gold Star. Please see above section. 

MOTOR VEHICLE: Out of state title, if the title is with the lien holder you will need to know the name of the lien holder and fax number, out of state registration, and if your Driver's License is not updated to an Iowa Driver's License we will need to see your current Driver's License and Social Security Card.



Black out plate

Veteran Designation 

Iowa veterans can now add a Veteran designation to their drivers license or nonoperator identification cards. PLEASE NOTE, this designation can only be added when the license or identification card is being renewed, or, if you are being issued for the first time. (For example, if you are moving in from out of state.) Please visit the Harrison County Veterans Affairs office to receive the form to have this designation added to your drivers license or identification card. 

2025 Tax Sale Information

The 2025 annual Tax Sale will be held by the Harrison County Treasurer on Monday, June 16th, 2025, at the Harrison County Courthouse, 111 N 2nd Ave, Logan, Iowa 51546, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Bidders will place their bids online. The auction site can be accessed by going to: 

Guidelines to be eligible for bidding at tax sale:

  • Register online at:  No mailed or emailed registrations will be accepted.
  • Registration begins: 
  • Pay a non-refundable $45.00 registration fee via E-check
  • Complete the online W-9 form


abandoned vehicle

Iowa Code 321.89 defines an abandoned vehicle as: a vehicle that has been unlawfully parked on private property or has been placed on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than twenty-four hours. Click the below link for more information on your options if you believe you are in possession of an abandoned vehicle. IOWADOT.GOV


About Us:


Shelia K. Phillips, 

Harrison County Treasurer

Took Office January 2015

Welcome! We are here to assist you with your Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, and Driver’s License services. For your convenience, you are now able to pay Property Tax and Vehicle Registrations online. Found below is the website and forms/form numbers that you might need to complete Motor Vehicle transactions in our office. Our mission is to provide efficient and courteous service to the citizens of Harrison County. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.


Visit us on facebook!


 Motor Vehicle Forms:


Application for Title - Form 411007

Application for Duplicate Title - 411033

Application for Security Interest - 411046





Office Hours:


To schedule an appointment for Driver's License Services please call 712-644-2371.


    • Motor Vehicle and Property Taxes:
      Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    • Driver’s License: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      • Written Tests: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. 
      • Drive Tests: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m - 3:20 p.m.
    • Motorcycle Drive Tests: Not Available
**ATTENTION CDL HOLDERS** - Federal regulations require you to bring proof of citizenship or lawful presence to renew or upgrade your CDL. Please call our office at 712-644-2371 to determine the documents you will need to bring with you.

Holiday Closings:

01/01/2025  New Year's Holiday
01/20/2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
02/17/2025  Presidents Day
05/26/2025  Memorial Day
07/04/2025  Independence Day
09/01/2025  Labor Day
11/11/2025  Veteran's Day
11/27/2025  Thanksgiving Holiday
11/28/2025  Day after Thanksgiving
12/24/2025  Christmas Eve Holiday - NOON Closing
12/25/2025  Christmas Holiday

Contact Information

Contact Information:

  • Property Tax: (712) 644-2750
  • Motor Vehicle: (712) 644-2144
  • Driver’s License: (712) 644-2371

**For assistance determining the documents you will need to bring with you, please click here.**


Office Staff:

  • Treasurer: Shelia K. Phillips
  • Driver's License Deputy: Heather Edney
  • Motor Vehicle Deputy: Shawna Clark
  • Property Tax Deputy: Brandi Wendt
  • D.License/M.Vehicle Clerk: Abby Godden
  • Property Tax Clerk: Amanda Barnum



Our Location: 12

Harrison County Treasurer’s Office

111 N. 2nd Ave
Suite #7
Logan, IA 51546

The Handicap entrance is located on the West side of the Courthouse.