Please Select Your County

Phone:(641) 322-3210
Services:Property tax, Motor Vehicle, Drivers License
Phone:(563) 568-3793
Services:Property Tax Collection, Motor Vehicle & Drivers License
Phone:(641) 856-3097
Phone:(319) 472-2450
Phone:(319) 833-3013
Services:Tax/MV Downtown hrs M-F 8:00 to 4:30
Phone:(515) 433-0510
Phone:(319) 352-0242
Services:MOTOR VEHICLE & TAX 8:00-4:30 / DRIVER'S LICENSE 8:00-4:00
Phone:(319) 334-4340
Phone:(712) 749-2533
Phone:(319) 267-2703
Phone:(712) 297-7111
Services:Hours M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Driver's License M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.--no written tests after 3:30 p.m.
Phone:(712) 792-1200
Services:Lisa R Wagner, Carroll County Treasurer - Drivers License, M-F, 8-3:30 PM; Motor Vehicle, M-F, 8-4:30 PM; Property Tax, M-F, 8-4:30 PM; Car Drives by Appointment; Motorcycle Drives, Fridays (weather permitting), call prior to Friday to register.
Phone:(712) 243-5503
Phone:(563) 886-2557
Phone:(641) 421-3127
Phone:(712) 225-6740
Phone:(641) 394-2107
Phone:(641) 342-3311
Services:Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, Driver's License
Phone:(563) 245-1807
Phone:(563) 244-0573
Phone:(712) 263-2648
Phone:(515) 993-5808
Services:(515) 993-5808
Phone:(641) 664-2155
Services:Motor Vehicle & Tax M-F 8-4:00 Driver License M-F 8:00-3:30, 2:30 last testing time.
Phone:(641) 446-4321
Phone:(563) 927-2845
Services:DL testing until 3:30, motorcyles and drive test by appointment only.Renewal for DL and autos, until 4 and taxes until 4:30
Phone:(712) 336-1205
Phone:(712) 362-3824
Phone:(563) 422-3787
Phone:(641) 257-6118
Phone:(641) 456-5678
Phone:(712) 374-2122
Services:Tax, Motor Vehicle, Driver's License daily
Phone:(515) 386-5675
Phone:(319) 824-3108
Services:MV & Tax - M-F 8-4:30 DL Wednesday & Thursday by appt
Phone:(641) 747-3414
Phone:(515) 832-9542
Phone:(641) 923-3122
Phone:(641) 939-8230
Services:Property Tax & Motor Vehicle M-F 8:00 - 4:30 and Driver's License Monday through Friday 8:00 - 4:15
Phone:(712) 644-2144
Phone:(319) 385-0763
Phone:(563) 547-9211
Phone:(515) 332-1681
Phone:(712) 364-2625
Services:MV, Tax M-F 8:00-4:30 DL by appointment
Phone:(319) 642-3921
Phone:(563) 652-5649
Phone:(641) 792-7731
Phone:(641) 472-2349
Services:Motor Vehicle & Taxes M-F 8-4:30 Driver License M-F 8-4
Phone:(319) 356-6087
Phone:(319) 462-3550
Services:Drivers License, M-F, 8:30-4:00; Motor Vehicle, M-F, 8-4:30; Property Tax, M-F, 8-4:30; Car Drives by Appointment on Tues & Thurs; Motorcycle Drives by Appointment on Mon & Wed.
Phone:(641) 622-2421
Services: Fax number 641-622-3762
Phone:(515) 295-3404
Services:TAX & MV & DL 8:00-4:00 M-F
Phone:(319) 892-5550
Phone:(319) 523-4451
Phone:(712) 472-8500
Phone:(515) 462-1542
Services:Motor Vehicle, Driver's License and Property Tax collection
Phone:(641) 673-5482
Services:Property tax 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m./ M.V. 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Drivers License 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone:(641) 828-2202
Phone:(712) 527-4419 x126
Phone:(641) 832-3940
Phone:(712) 433-2347
Phone:(641) 932-5011
Services:Property Taxes, Motor Vehicle and Driver License
Phone:(712) 623-3292
Phone:(563) 263-6764
Services:Motor Vehicle and Tax Collections
Phone:(712) 957-3210
Phone:(712) 542-5322
Services:Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, Drivers License, CDL Testing
Phone:(712) 852-3844
Phone:(712) 546-7056
Services:MV & TAX 8:00-5:00 M-F. Drivers License Tue Wed Thur 8:15-4:30
Phone:(712) 335-4334
Phone:(515) 286-3060
Phone:(712) 328-5627
Phone:(641) 623-5128
Phone:(641) 464-3230
Phone:(712) 662-7411
Phone:(563) 326-8664
Services:Motor Vehicle Registration and Property Tax
Phone:(712) 755-5847
Phone:(712) 737-3505
Phone:(515) 382-7330
Services:Motor Vehicle & Property Tax
Phone:(641) 484-3141
Services:Drivers License M-F 8 am -3:30 pm by appointment; Motor Vehicle M-F 8-4; Property Tax M-F 8-4:30
Phone:(712) 523-2080
Services:Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, Drivers License
Phone:(641) 782-1710
Services:Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, Drivers License
Phone:(319) 293-3110
Phone:(641) 683-0040
Services:Property Tax - 101 W. Fourth St, (641) 683-0040; Motor Vehicle - 102 E. Main St., (641) 683-4636
Phone:(515) 690-9240
Phone:(319) 653-7721
Services:Tax/MV-8:00 am to 4:15 pm : DL-8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone:(515) 573-2731
Services:Webster County Treasurer
Phone:(641) 585-2322
Phone:(563) 382-3753
Services:Property Tax Collection, Motor Vehicle Title and Registration, Drivers License services
Phone:(712) 279-6500
Services:Motor Vehicle 712-279-6500, Property Tax #712-279-6495 and DNR #712-279-6492 M-F 8-4:30
Phone:(641) 324-2942
Phone:(515) 532-2691