Experience the Convenience, pay online!
Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and eCheck will be accepted for Internet transactions.
For your convenience, we accept Discover, MasterCard, Visa and PayPal credit & debit cards in the office.
There is a fee for paying by credit card, debit card, or eCheck - online or in person.
Please note: A $30.00 Surcharge will be assessed for any dishonored check (including internet payments) as authorized by Iowa Code 554.3512 that is returned for insufficient funds, incorrect entry of ABA or account number, etc.
Effective January 1, 2020, the Des Moines County treasurer's office will require customers to provide a bill of sale for all vehicle and trailer transfers. A bill of sale shall include the seller's name, make of vehicle, year of vehicle, vehicle identification number (VIN), buyer's name, date of sale, purchase price, and signature of seller. This information may be handwritten on a piece of paper. For your convenience, a standard bill of sale is linked below.
(Iowa Administrative Code, 701-Chapter 34.2(3))
2023 Property Taxes are now available!
This assessment is for the time period of July 2023 through June 2024.
Based on valuations as of January 1, 2023
First half installment due by September 30, 2024
Second half installment due by March 31, 2025
Tax statements were mailed on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
2024 Des Moines Co Tax Sale rules
W-9 Form
2024 DMC Tax Sale Publication List
Affidavit for lost Tax Sale Certificate
Parcel number format is 10 numbers, to be entered without the dashes, ex: 1234567890. BE SURE TO PAY ON THE CORRECT PARCEL. WE MAY NOT REFUND A PAYMENT MADE IN ERROR.
2025 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim Forms Available Here
The following IOWA RESIDENTS are eligible to file a claim for property tax credit if:
- Total household income less than $26,219 and age 65 or older on December 31, 2024, or
- Total household income less than $26,219 and totally disabled and age 18 or older on December 31, 2024, or
- Total household income less 250% of the federal poverty level (see 250% Federal poverty level guidelines) and age 70 or older on December 31, 2024, or
- You are a MOBILE HOME OWNER, and were 23 years of age or older as of December 31, 2024
Please note: The deadline to file with the County Treasurer is on or before September 30, 2025.
2025 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim Form and Instructions - Click here.
2025 Iowa Mobile Home/Manufactured/Modular Home Owner Application for Reduced Tax Rate-Click here.
You are not eligible to renew unless you received a renewal notice through the US Postal Service that contains a PIN number for online renewals. If you have lost this notice, you can obtain the PIN by calling or emailing our office. Note: Online service is not available if proof of SR22 insurance is required, any state debts are owed, the vehicle has a 1/2 year license, or is apportioned.
The Issuance and Renewal of Drivers’ Licenses is handled by the Iowa Dept. of Transportation located at Westland Mall, Suite B-1:
550 S. Gear Ave., West Burlington, Iowa 52655
Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm Monday - Friday Phone: 319-754-8767 You may, however, download forms you may need for driver license from this website using the Motor Vehicle Forms link.
IDOT Website-click here